Offre spéciale T+L 2015

Livraison gratuite des crokinoles 62 cm en Belgique jusqu'au mercredi 8 avril !

Convention pick up offer

The team will be attending several gaming conventions this autumn. You can choose to pick up your order at one of the following conventions and save on shipping costs!

Click here for more information on Spiel 2014 preorders.

During checkout, you can choose to pick up your order at one of the following events: 

  • Spiel 2014, Essen, Germany, 16-19/10/2014, (more information)
  • Spellenspektakel 2014, Eindhoven, 8-9/11/2014 (www)
  • Festival en Jeux, Court-Saint-Etienne, Belgium, 15-16/11/2014 (www)
  • Dragonmeet 2014, London, UK, 6/12/2014 (www)